City&StatePA Name Jonathan to Power List

A recognized public policy advocate, community organizer and aspiring public servant, Jonathan Lovitz has a lot of ideas for the Keystone State. He currently serves as senior vice president for the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce and has political goals beyond that, as he’s also running for Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ 182nd district on a “pro-economy, pro-equity, and pro-solutions” campaign. Lovitz brings experience from NGLCC where he oversees government policy and the organization’s legal, construction and pharma task forces. He’s also contributed to more than 20 local and state laws aimed to help small businesses, particularly veterans, those with disabilities, and LGBTQ-owned businesses.
Lovitz received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in performance at the University of Florida and made the shift toward advocacy a few years later. He became a vocal LGBT advocate shortly after and joined NGLCC in 2015 as the director in New York. After making his way to Philadelphia, he helped found the initiative to expand voter registration and protect citizens’ rightsChi to vote during the pandemic. He also spends time as a mentor with AmeriCorps PA and Students Demand Action PA, which works to end gun violence in the U.S. He’s helped to raise funds for the Philadelphia Diversity & Inclusion Summit and Liberty City Democrats and serves as a member of the board of directors of the Global Philadelphia Association and the William Way LGBT Community Center.