Jonathan Lovitz, Progressive Small Business Advocate & Community Organizer, Launches Campaign for Pennsylvania House of Representatives District 182

A lifelong Public Servant and Union Member with Proven Leadership, Lovitz Runs on Record of Improving the Quality of Life for Every Community
April 19, 2021 | Philadelphia, PA – Center City community leader Jonathan Lovitz today announced that he is running for the 182nd District seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, drawing on over a decade of experience passing bipartisan legislation that helps working families and small business owners, bringing communities together to solve problems, and improving the relationships between the people and their government.
“The quality of your life, the success of your business, the safety of your family means everything to me— that’s why I’m running to represent you in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives,” said candidate Jonathan Lovitz. “Center City is the beating heart of Philly, and needs a champion in Harrisburg to make sure your voice is heard, your needs are met, and our economy is strong. When we’re battling for the strong recovery of our businesses, our equality, our freedom to vote, our healthcare, our environment, our education, we don’t need slogans and angry rhetoric. We need results. We need accountable, proven leadership. We need someone who can work across the aisle to build consensus while never compromising convictions about what is right. I believe that’s me, and I believe my winning record of results for my neighbors makes that case.”
A seasoned legislative and political advocate, Jonathan will be ready on day one to get to work on behalf of his constituents in the State Capitol. In the last five years, as Senior Vice President of the National NGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), he has been responsible for writing and passing more than twenty-five state and local laws, including right here in Pennsylvania, opening up billions of dollars in contracts and economic development to small business owners, including minorities, veterans, those with disabilities, and LGBTQ-owned entrepreneurs. In this time, Jonathan has been honored by organizations throughout Pennsylvania and across America for his leadership on issues including saving small businesses, fighting for equality, anti-violence and civic engagement.
His passion for service and taking care of his neighbors is rooted in a belief that when we all do better, we all do better. That is why Jonathan dedicates himself to fighting for affordable and inclusive healthcare; essential services for our seniors and veterans; gun free, fully-funded schools; supporting our arts and culture institutions; preserving our environment; and protecting Philadelphians’ important voice in government.
That is why he helped found the initiative in 2020, expanding voter registration and civic confidence in his city of Philadelphia during the toughest days of the pandemic. He fought tirelessly for a free and fair election for all his neighbors — a crucial component of our democracy — especially for our underserved and underrepresented Black and LGBTQ neighbors. By hitting the streets with some extraordinary volunteers, Lovitz helped register and galvanize nearly a thousand new voters during the most important election of our lifetime in Pennsylvania.
When he’s not actively fighting for economic justice and equity, you’ll find Jonathan volunteering his time throughout Philadelphia as a mentor with AmeriCorps PA and Students Demand Action PA; fundraising for Philadelphia Diversity & Inclusion Summit and the Liberty City Democrats; and supporting Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Gay Officers Action League Philadelphia, and Democratic Jewish Outreach PA. He is especially proud to serve on the Board of Directors of the Global Philadelphia Association and the William Way LGBT Community Center.
Jonathan is running to represent the people of Center City Philadelphia in Harrisburg to continue using his advocacy, policy, and legislative skills to further listen to, fight for and care for his Philadelphia neighbors. As Jonathan always says, “Let’s make a difference.”
To learn more about Jonathan and his candidacy for the 182nd District, visit or follow him at:
Twitter: @LovitzForPa
Facebook: @LovitzForPA
Instagram: @LovitzForPA
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