Updates in Endorsement

"...if you want to pass the Equality Act, fight gun violence, spur economic growth, stop the yelling and antics in Harrisburg and return to a process of open communication, there’s only one candidate that has that kind of experience on day one, and that’s Jonathan Lovitz."
With over 600 donors, extensive union and community support, and the most bipartisan legislative experience, Lovitz for PA has demonstrated winning viability and is ready for the primary
With over 600 donors, extensive union and community support, and the most governing experience, Lovitz for PA is ready for the Primary
“I believe in unions. I will fight for unions. And I will always be proud to carry my union card in my wallet.  My hope and prayer is to be able to carry that card onto the floor of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as one of the strongest champions for organized labor, working people, and our economy that we’ve had in a long, long time,” said Lovitz.